Tel: 0116 2530022
PAPER (printing optional)
free tissue paper
Plain tissue paper is available from stock in minimum
order quantities of 5 reams (480 sheets per ream)
Size: 750mm x 500mm
Standard Colours: White; Rose; Salmon; Fuchsia;
Mauve; Lilac; Marine; Turquoise; Arctic Blue; Lavander;
Violet; Navy; Royal Blue; Ivory; Champagne; Peach;
Vanilla; Citrus; Caramel; Cream; Black; Chocolate;
Brown; Grey; Red; Dark Red; Orange; Green; Pea Green;
Dark Green; Bottle Green; Emerald; and more.
Colours: Olive; Jade; Wine; Bordeaux; Scarlet; Saffron;
Metalic Colours: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum,
For printed tissue paper, a minimum of 25 reams
for white tissue paper and 50 reams for coloured
tissue paper applies.